분류 전체보기45 Easier said than done. / Can I have $40 for lunch? Easier said than done.ⓐ I'm sure you can get through this hardship.ⓑ I'm gonna give it a try, but it's easier said than done. Can I have $40 for lunch?ⓐ Mom, can I have $40 for lunch?ⓑ No. You won't get an allowance this week. 말이야 쉽지.ⓐ 네가 이 어려움을 이겨낼 거라고 확신해.ⓑ 한번 해보겠지만 말처럼 쉽진 않을 거야. 점심 사먹게 40달러만 주세요.ⓐ 엄마, 점심 사먹게 40달러만 주세요.ⓑ 안 돼. 이번 주에는 용돈 없어. 2018. 11. 15. I almost forgot about that. / Your lunch hour's almost up. I almost forgot about that.ⓐ Pick up your laundry on your way home.ⓑ Boy, I almost forgot about that. Your lunch hour's almost up.ⓐ Let's hurry. Your lunch hour's almost up.ⓑ Already? I really enjoyed the meal 깜빡 잊을 뻔했어.ⓐ 집에 오는 길에 세탁물 좀 찾아와.ⓑ 아차, 깜빡 잊어먹을 뻔했네. 점심시간이 거의 끝났어.ⓐ 서두르자. 점심시간이 다 끝나가.ⓑ 벌써? 정말 맛있게 먹었어. 2018. 11. 14. It's totally out of line. / It's a good thing he's here It's totally out of line.ⓐ I can't stand it. It's totally out of line.ⓑ I saw that coming. You asked for it. It's a good thing he's here.ⓐ He took care of all my problems.ⓑ It's a good thing he's here. 도가 지나쳤어.ⓐ 참을 수가 없어. 완전 도를 넘었어.ⓑ 그럴 줄 알았어. 네가 자초한 거야. 그가 있어서 다행이야.ⓐ 그 사람이 내 문제를 다 처리해 줬어.ⓑ 그가 있어서 다행이야. 2018. 11. 12. We used to date in college. / I'm looking forward to it. We used to date in college.ⓐ Just out of curiosity, how do you no know him?ⓑ We used to date in college. He's my old flame. I'm looking forward to it.ⓐ Let's travel to Japan on our next vacation.ⓑ Great! I'm looking forward to it. 대학 다닐 때 사귀었어.ⓐ 궁금해서 그러는데. 그사람을 어떻게 알아?ⓑ 대학 때 사귀었어. 옛 애인이야. 기대하고 있을게.ⓐ 다음 휴가 때 일본 여행 가자.ⓑ 좋아! 기대하고 있을게. 2018. 11. 9. Time to take your medecine. / We had to keep it a secret. Time to take your medicine.ⓐ I think my cough is getting worse.ⓑ Hold on. Time to take your medicine. We had to keep it a secret.ⓐ Why didn't you tell me back then?ⓑ We had to keep it a secret. 약 먹을 시간이야.ⓐ 기침이 점점 심해지는 것 같아.ⓑ 잠깐만. 너 약 먹을 시간이야. 비밀로 해야만 했어.ⓐ 왜 그때 얘기 안 했어?ⓑ 비밀로 해야 했거든. 2018. 11. 8. She's obsessed with me. / I'll make this up to you. She's obsessed with me.ⓐ Why does she care about you so much?ⓑ I think she's obsessed with me. I'll make this up to you.ⓐ How could you forget our anniversary?ⓑ I'm so sorry. I'll make this up to you. 그녀는 나한테 집착해ⓐ 왜 그녀가 그렇게 너한테 신경을 쓰는 거야?ⓑ 걔는 나한테 집착하는 것 같아. 내가 보상해 줄게.ⓐ 어떻게 우리 기념일을 잊어버릴 수가 있어?ⓑ 정말 미안해. 내가 보상해 줄게. 2018. 11. 7. I'll take my chances. / Your favorite soap is on. I'll take my chances.ⓐ I think the chances are very slim.ⓑ Sink or swim, I'll take my chances. Your favorite soap is on.ⓐ Look, your favorite soap is on.ⓑ Where's the remote? Turn up the volume. 위험을 감수할 거야.ⓐ 내 생각엔 가능성이 매우 희박해.ⓑ 되든 안 되든, 위험을 감수할 거야. 네가 좋아하는 드라마 나온다.ⓐ 야, 네가 좋아하는 드라마 나온다.ⓑ 리모컨 어디 있어? 볼륨 좀 키워 봐. 2018. 11. 6. I think it's a great idea. / Give me a break. I think it's a great idea.ⓐ I need to get some air. Let's take a walk in the park.ⓑ I think it's a great idea. I'll change my clothes. Give me a break.ⓐ Mom, I've done my homework already.ⓑ Give me a break. Go and bring it to me. 좋은 생각이야.ⓐ 바람 좀 쐬어야겠어. 공원에서 산책 좀 하자.ⓑ 좋은 생각이야. 옷 좀 갈아입을게. 헛소리하지 마.ⓐ 엄마, 숙제 이미 다 끝냈어요.ⓑ 헛소리하지 마. 가서 가져와. 2018. 11. 5. Can i take a rain check? / How are you feeling today? Can I take a rain check?ⓐ Don't tell me you forgot about our dinner.ⓑ Can i take a rain check? How about tomorrow? How are you feeling today?ⓐ Hey, how are you feeling today?ⓑ Not much. Same old, same old. 다음에 하면 안 될까?ⓐ 설마 저녁 약속 잊어버리진 않았겠지?ⓑ 다음 기회로 미루면 안 될까? 내일은 어때? 오늘 기분 어때?ⓐ 안녕, 오늘 기분이 어때?ⓑ 별 일 없어. 늘 그렇지 뭐. 2018. 11. 1. I have it delivered. / I'm booked solid today. I have it delivered.ⓐ I've run out of vegetables. Let's go grocery shopping.ⓑ I don't need to. I have it delivered. I'm booked solid today.ⓐ By any chance, are you free tonight?ⓑ I'm sorry. I'm booked solid today. 난 배달 시켜.ⓐ 야채가 떨어졌어. 장 보러 가자ⓑ 난 안 가도 돼. 배달 시키거든 오늘 스케줄이 꽉 찼어ⓐ 혹시 오늘 저녁에 시간 좀 있어?ⓑ 미안해. 오늘은 스케줄이 꽉 찼어. 2018. 10. 31. Don't change the subject. / How can you say that? Don't change the subject.ⓐ By the way, what are you doing tonight?ⓑ Don't change the subject. Just spit it out. How can you say that?ⓐ You're so childish. Why don't you grow up?ⓑ That's too much. How can you say that? 말 돌리지 마.ⓐ 근데 오늘 저녁에 뭐 할 거야?ⓑ 말 돌리지 마. 솔직히 털어놔. 어떻게 그런 말을 해?ⓐ 진짜 유치하다. 철 좀 들어라.ⓑ 너무해. 어떻게 그런 말을 하니? 2018. 10. 30. I'll keep that in mind. / Why not just ask him out? I'll keep that in mind.ⓐ Don't speak ill of any of your friends.ⓑ Of course. I'll keep that in mind. Why not just ask him out?ⓐ Don't hesitate. Why not just ask him out?ⓑ I can't. He's much younger than me. 명심할게요.ⓐ 친구들에게 안 좋은 말 하면 안 돼.ⓑ 물론이죠. 명심할게요. 데이트 신청해 봐.ⓐ 주저하지 마. 그 사람한테 데이트 신청해 봐.ⓑ 안 돼. 그는 나보다 나이가 한참 어려. 2018. 10. 29. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음 more